P&G + World Wildlife Fund Canada


Set WWF-Canada as your cause and turn your everyday actions into extraordinary acts for good.

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A legacy of doing good. A commitment to doing better.

P&G Canada is committed to our Ambition 2030 goals and creating a better future for our planet. Through our decade long partnership with WWF-Canada we have worked together to inspire and encourage people in Canada to take action to protect and restore nature and wildlife.

Doing more together

World Wildlife Fund Canada (WWF-Canada) is the country’s largest international conservation organization with a vision to create a world where nature and people thrive. To achieve it, WWF-Canada is guided by scientific and Indigenous knowledge to conserve species at risk, protect and restore threatened habitats and address climate change with long-term nature-based climate solutions.

WWF-Canada recognizes that we can do more together to reverse the decline of wildlife than we can alone. Our conservation work would not be possible without the contributions of Canadians who are just as committed to protecting the future of nature as we are. This is why WWF-Canada is committed to raising awareness about the conservation issues and solutions that exist in our own communities, and enabling people of all ages, from coast to coast to coast, to take action.

Restoring nature with native plants

Native plants are the gold standard for attracting pollinators, restoring wildlife habitat and building healthy natural landscapes that are more resilient to climate change. WWF-Canada’s native plant programs inspire people to take action for nature while providing resources to support their planting and gardening efforts. From expertise and tutorials, to ethically and locally sourced seeds, plants and trees, WWF-Canada’s habitat restoration programs ensure gardeners are empowered to have a meaningful impact on nature and wildlife in their own communities.

Countless caring Canadians have already stepped up to protect wild places and the species that live in them by supporting conservation efforts or taking direct action themselves. Together, we will work together toward a future in which both nature and people can thrive for generations to come.

Visit wwf.ca/takeaction to find out how you can have an impact on nature.

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