Children’s Safe Drinking Water


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A legacy of doing good. A commitment to doing better.

The P&G Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program has provided 16 billion liters of water since 2004. But millions live without access to clean water. Together, we can do better — which is why we created P&G Good Everyday. It’s a new program where we join forces with you and work together to solve real problems, like the clean water crisis.

Imagine your day without water

Clean water flows right from our faucets and we drink it without a second thought. But for millions around the world, access to clean drinking water is a daily struggle.

Not having clean water creates a ripple effect of health problems and more. Diarrhea caused by contaminated water is a leading cause of illness and death among infants and children in the developing world. And the shocking truth is that diseases from drinking dirty water cause more deaths today than HIV/AIDS and malaria combined.

How innovation is making an impact

Using revolutionary P&G Purifier of Water technology, the CSDW Program and their partners distribute water purification packets to transform dirty water into clean, drinkable water with just a bucket, a spoon and a cloth.

By providing technical expertise, financial support, human resources, manufacturing facilities, research and advocacy for this critical global crisis, P&G is able to make the work of CSDW possible. CSDW partners with hundreds of organizations across the world to distribute packets and has provided 16 billion liters of clean water to people in over 90 countries.

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