Donate household cleaning products to help families close the chore gap at home.


When we close the chore gap, we create more equality at home. And when we create more equality at home, we create more equality in the world. Support this cause by taking the pledge.

I pledge to closing the chore gap in my home.

By selecting this as your cause, P&G will donate household cleaning products to help shelters, food banks, and other social service organizations. Product donated can vary.

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A legacy of doing good. A commitment to doing better.

Whether we’re working to remove barriers to girls’ education, improve economic opportunities for women or create an inclusive, gender-equal environment within P&G, we stand for gender equality both in and out of the home.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, more people were working from home and more children were remote schooling than ever before. This made the work it takes to keep homes clean, more visible and highlighted the extreme inequality in how housework is divided — the “invisible labor” required to keep a home clean and healthy often falls disproportionately on women. This discrepancy is commonly called the chore gap.

As people continue to spend more time at home, closing the chore gap is more important than ever. Because when we close the chore gap, we create more equality at home. And when we create more equality at home, we create more equality in the world.

Commit to help close the chore gap

For more than 100 years, P&G brands have worked to democratize cleaning — to take household tasks from expert to easy — with products designed to make cleaning a little more joyful and simple to share with others.


Today, we have the opportunity to have real conversations about the chore gap and make real changes that can help close it. Join us in making a commitment to close the chore gap by clicking the green button below. When you have Come Clean to Close the Chore Gap selected as your cause, P&G will donate a cleaning product to help a family in need close their own chore gap.

Sharing chores more equally is just the beginning

Closing the chore gap and promoting gender equality at home can have a positive impact that extends into the world we all share. Encouraging everyone to do their part can:

  • Teach kids responsibility and valuable life skills
  • Create happier, healthier relationships
  • Build mutual trust and respect among household members
  • Enable women to achieve more in their professional careers
  • Help kids grasp the importance of community
  • Provide children with role models that counteract gender stereotypes

Easy ways to create a more equal division of chores in your home

When it comes to household chores, there’s something for everyone to do, and everyone can do something.

Ask kids to pitch in by tidying up their rooms and neatly putting away their toys and schoolwork before bed each night. They can help out in the kitchen too by setting the table, emptying the dishwasher or taking out the trash.

Mix it up and keep things fun by creating a chore wheel or weekly schedule that rotates everyday tasks among family members.

Choose products that make cleaning easy for all. The Swiffer® Sweeper® features an ergonomic design that can be used by the whole family, including children and those who use wheelchairs, giving everyone a chance to contribute

Practice gratitude by acknowledging one thing that your partner or children do each day for which you are thankful.

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